Consider the page under construction, a work in progress, I will eventually capture the entire yearbook including Junior and Sophomore Classes. From time to time you may find numerous pages with broken links. Right now I am scanning pages above #197. Marv Mackin, 03/17/2008

 Year Book Pages for Senior Class: 
 C.L. McLane High School, 1963.
Pages are in Adobe Acrobat format. To view these pages you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader and install it on your computer. These pages files are quite large and they will take several minutes, maybe as long as 5-10 minutes to download, via a dialup modem.

Year Book Page Last Name                  (listed alphabetically)


              Click on the file names below to view a YB page

3 Greacan Title Page ----------  3_Greacan_Title_Page.pdf
4 Dedication ----------  4_Dedication.pdf
5 Table of Contents ----------  5_Table_of_Contents.pdf
6 Principal's Message ----------  6_Principals_Message.pdf
7 Deans & Counselors ----------  7_Deans_and_Counselors.pdf
12 Student Body Officers ----------  12_Student_Body_Officers.pdf
13 Student Body Officer  Spring ----------  13_Student_Body_Officers.pdf
14 Advisory Assembly ----------  14_Advisory_Assembly.pdf
15 Advisory Assembly ----------  15_Advisory_Assembly1.pdf
16 Executive Council ----------  16_Executive_Council.pdf
17 Student Court ----------  17_Student_Court.pdf
18 Project ----------  18_Student_Project.pdf
19 Foreign Students ----------  19_Foreign_Students.pdf
20 Elections Committee ----------  20_Elections_Committee.pdf
21 Ticket Sales & Safety Welfare ----------  21_Tickets_Safety.pdf
24 Senior President Fall ----------  24_President_Fall.pdf
25 Senior President Spring ----------  25_President_Spring.pdf
26 Senior Class Officers ----------  26_Senior_Class_Officers.pdf
27 Senior Class Officers ----------  27_Senior_Class_Officers.pdf
28 Ab-Al ----------  28_Ab-Al.pdf
29 Al-Av ----------  29_Al-Av.pdf
30 Ba-Bo ----------  30_Ba-Bo.pdf
31 Bo-Ca ----------  31_Bo-Ca.pdf
32 Ca-Ch ----------  32_Ca-Ch.pdf
33 Ch-Co ----------  33_Ch-Co.pdf
34 Co-Cu ----------  34_Co-Cu.pdf
35 Cu-Do ----------  35_Cu-Do.pdf
36 Do-Ei ----------  36_Do-Ei.pdf
37 El-Fi ----------  37_El-Fi.pdf
38 Fi-Ga ----------  38_Fi-Ga.pdf
39 Ga-Gi ----------  39_Ga-Gi.pdf
40 Gi-Gu ----------  40_Gi-Gu.pdf
41 Ho-Je ----------  41_Ha-Ha.pdf
43 Ho-Je ----------  43_Ho-Je.pdf
44 Jo-Ju ----------  44_ Jo-Ju.pdf
45 Ju-Ki ----------  45_Ju-Ki.pdf
46 Ki-La ----------  46_Ki-La.pdf
47 La-Li ----------  47_La-Li.pdf
48 Li-Ma ---------- 48_Li-Ma.pdf 
49 Ma-Mc ----------  49_Ma-Mc.pdf
50 Mc-Me ----------  50_Mc-Me.pdf
51 Me-Mo ----------  51_Me-Mo.pdf
52 Mo-Ne ----------  52_Mo-Ne.pdf
53 Ni-Od ----------  53_Ni-Od.pdf
54 Oe-Pe ----------  54_Oe-Pe.pdf
55 Pe-Po ----------  55_Pe-Po.pdf
56 Pr-Re ----------  56_Pr-Re.pdf
57 Re-Ro ----------  57_Re-Ro.pdf
58 Ro-Sa ----------  58_Ro-Sa.pdf
59 Sa-Sc ----------  59_Sa-Sc.pdf
60 Sc-Sh ----------  60_Sc-Sh.pdf
61 Si-Sm ----------  61_Si-Sm.pdf
62 Sm-St ----------  62_Sm-St.pdf
63 St-Ta ----------  63_St-Ta.pdf
64 Ta-Ti ----------  64_Ta-Ti.pdf
65 Ti-Va ----------  65_Ti-Va.pdf
66 Va-Wa ----------  66_Va-Wa.pdf
67 We-Wi ----------  67_We-Wi.pdf
68 Wi-Za ----------  68_Wi-Za.pdf
68A Spring Supplement Seniors ----------  68A_Spring_Supplmt.pdf
68B The Four Seasons ----------  68B_The_Four_Seasons.pdf
68C The Four Seasons ----------  68C_The_Four_Seasons.pdf 
68DE Highland Royalty ----------  68DE_Highland_Royalty.pdf 
68F Senior Dinner ----------  68F_Senior_Dinner.pdf
68G Senior Dinner ----------  68G_Senior_Dinner.pdf
68H Sadie Hawkins ----------  68H_Sadie_Hawkins.pdf
68I Sadie Hawkins ----------  68I_Sadie_Hawkins.pdf
68J Circus ----------  68J_Circus.pdf
68K Hootenanny ----------  68K_Hootenanny.pdf
68L Spring Sports ----------  68L_Spring_Sports.pdf
69 Not pictured Memorial ----------  69_Not_pictured_Memorial.pdf
70 Wee Scots ----------  70_Wee_Scots.pdf
71 Wee Scots ----------  71_Wee_Scots.pdf
72 CSF Life Members ----------  72_CSF_Life_Members.pdf
73 CSF Life Members ----------  73_CSF_Life_Members.pdf
74 CSF Life Members ----------  74_CSF_Life_Members.pdf
75 Bank of America ----------  75_B_of_A_Awards.pdf
76 Senior Lassies ----------  76_Senior_Lassies.pdf
77 Senior Girls Club ----------  77_Senior_Girls_Club.pdf
78 The Solid Gold Cadillac ----------  78_The_Solid_Gold_Cadillac.pdf
79 The Solid Gold Cadillac ----------  79_The_Solid_Gold_Cadillac.pdf
102 Fountains at Christmas ----------  102_Fountains_at_Christmas.pdf
103 Fountains at Christmas ----------  103_Fountains_at_Christmas.pdf
128 Yell Leaders ----------  128_Yell_Leaders.pdf
129 Majorettes ----------  129_Majorettes.pdf
130 March Band and Dancers ----------  130_Marching_Band_and_Dancers.pdf
131 March Band and Dancers ----------  131_Marching_Band_and_Dancers.pdf
132 Pep Girls ----------  132_Pep_Girls.pdf
133 Letter Girls ----------  133_Letter_Girls.pdf
134 Rallymen ----------  134_Rallymen.pdf
135 Card Tricks ----------  135_Card_Tricks.pdf
136 Rally Committee ----------  136_Rally_Committee.pdf
137 Rally Snaps ----------  137_Rally_Snaps.pdf
142 English ----------  142_English.pdf
143 English ----------  143_English.pdf
144 English ----------  144_English.pdf
145 English ----------  145_English.pdf
146 Tartan ----------  146_Tartan.pdf
147 Tartan ----------  147_Tartan.pdf
148 National Forensics League ----------  148_National_Forensics_League.pdf
149 Debate ----------  149_Debate.pdf
150 Drama Club ----------  150_Drama_Club.pdf
151 Scots 'n' Scholars ----------  151_Scots_'n'_Scholars.pdf
152 Library ----------  152_Library.pdf
153 Library ----------  153_Library.pdf
156 Foreign Language ----------  156_Foreign_Language.pdf
157 Foreign Language ----------  157_Foreign_Language.pdf
158 Foreign Language ----------  158_Foreign_Language.pdf
159 Foreign Language ----------  159_Foreign_Language.pdf
160 Los Altenos ----------  160_Los_Altenos.pdf
161 Le Clan Francais ----------  161_Le_Clan_Francais.pdf
162 Latin Club ----------  162_Latin_Club.pdf
163 Deutscher Derein ----------  163_Deutscher_Derein.pdf
166 Science ----------  166_Science.pdf
167 Science ----------  167_Science.pdf
168 Science ----------  168_Science.pdf
169 Science ----------  169_Science.pdf
170 Nurse Assistants ----------  170_Nurse_Assistants.pdf
171 Future Nurses Club ----------  171_Future_Nurses_Club.pdf
172 Fun Pictures ----------  172_Fun_Pictures.pdf
173 Fun Pictures ----------  173_Fun_Pictures.pdf
176 Math ----------  176_Math.pdf
177 Math ----------  177_Math.pdf
178 Math ----------  178_Math.pdf
179 Math ----------  179_Math.pdf
182 Fun Pictures ----------  182_Fun_Pictures.pdf
183 Fun Pictures ----------  183_Fun_Pictures.pdf
186 Art Department ----------  186_Art_Department.pdf
187 Art Department ----------  187_Art_Department.pdf
188 Music Department ----------  188_Music­_Department.pdf
189 Music Department ----------  189_Music­_Department.pdf
190 Greacan Staff ----------  190_Greacan_Staff.pdf
191 Greacan Staff ----------  191_Greacan_Staff.pdf
192 Art Service Club ----------  192_Art_Service_Club.pdf
193 Art Service Club ----------  193_Art_Service_Club.pdf
194 Orchestra ----------  194_Orchestra.pdf
195 Orchestra ----------  195_Orchestra.pdf
196 Advanced Mixed Choir ----------  196_Advanced_Mixed_Choir.pdf
197 Advanced Mixed Choir ----------  197_Advanced_Mixed_Choir.pdf
198 Madrigals ----------  198_Madrigals.pdf
199 Junior Madrigals ----------  199_Junior_Madrigals.pdf
200 Advanced Girls Choir ----------  200_Advanced_Girls_Choir.pdf
201 Advanced Girls Choir ----------  201_Advanced_Girls_Choir.pdf
202 Social Science ----------  202_Social_Science.pdf
203 Social Science ----------  203_Social_Science.pdf
204 Social Science ----------  204_Social_Science.pdf
205 Social Science ----------  205_Social_Science.pdf
206 Social Science ----------  206_Social_Science.pdf
207 Social Science ----------  207_Social_Science.pdf
208 Cadets ----------  208_Cadets.pdf
209 Cadets ----------  209_Cadets.pdf
210 Key Club ----------  210_Key_Club.pdf
211 Photo Montage ----------  211_Photo_Montage.pdf
212 Hi-Y ----------  212_Hi-Y.pdf
213 Fun Pictures ----------  213_Photo_Montage.pdf
214 Domestic Arts ----------  214_Domestic_Arts.pdf
215 Domestic Arts ----------  215_Domestic_Arts.pdf
216 Domestic Arts ----------  216_Domestic_Arts.pdf
217 Domestic Arts ----------  217_Domestic_Arts.pdf
218 Domestic Arts ----------  218_Domestic_Arts.pdf
219 Domestic Arts ----------  219_Domestic_Arts.pdf
220 Domestic Arts ----------  220_Domestic_Arts.pdf
221 Hostesses ----------  221_Hostesses.pdf
222 Business ----------  222_Business.pdf
223 Business ----------  223_Business.pdf
224 Business ----------  224_Business.pdf
225 Business ----------  225_Business.pdf
226 Business ----------  226_Business.pdf
227 Business ----------  227_Business.pdf
228 Industrial Arts ----------  228_Industrial_Arts.pdf
229 Industrial Arts ----------  229_Industrial_Arts.pdf
230 Industrial Arts ----------  230_Industrial_Arts.pdf
231 Industrial Arts ----------  231_Industrial_Arts.pdf
232 Industrial Arts ----------  232_Industrial_Arts.pdf
233 Industrial Arts ----------  233_Industrial_Arts.pdf
234 Picture Montage ----------  234­_Picture_Montage.pdf
235 Picture Montage ----------  235­_Picture_Montage.pdf
236 Physical Education ----------  236_Physical_Education.pdf
237 Physical Education ----------  237_Physical_Education.pdf
238 Physical Education ----------  238_Physical_Education.pdf
239 Physical Education ----------  239_Physical_Education.pdf
240 Physical Education ----------  240_Physical_Education.pdf
241 Physical Education ----------  241_Physical_Education.pdf
242 GAA ----------  242_GAA.pdf
243 McTacs Tumbling Club ----------  243_McTacs_Tumbling_Club.pdf
244 Photo Montage PE ----------  244_Photo_Montage_PE.pdf
245 Dance Club ----------  245_Dance_Club.pdf
246 Lettermen ----------  246_Lettermen.pdf
247 Lettermen Officers ----------  247_Lettermen_Officers.pdf
248 Office Personnel ----------  248_Office_Personnel.pdf
249 Cooks & Custodians ----------  249_Cooks_Custodians.pdf
250 Highland Champions ----------  250_Highland_Champions.pdf
251 Highland Champions ----------  251_Highland_Champions.pdf
252 Varsity Football ----------  252_Varsity_Football.pdf
253 Varsity Football ----------  253_Varsity_Football.pdf
254 Varsity Football ----------  254_Varsity_Football.pdf
255 Varsity Football ----------  255_Varsity_Football.pdf
256 Varsity Football ----------  256_Varsity_Football.pdf
257 Varsity Football ----------  257_Varsity_Football.pdf
258 B Football ----------  258_B_Football.pdf
259 Tartan ----------  259_Sophomore_Football.pdf
260 Football Pictures ----------  260­_Football_Pictures.pdf
261 Varsity Cross Country ----------  261_Varsity_Cross_Country.pdf
262 Tartan ----------  262_Varsity_Wrestling.pdf
263 Junior Varsity Wrestling ----------  263_Junior_Varsity_Wrestling.pdf
264 Varsity Basketball ----------  264_Varsity_Basketball.pdf
265 Varsity Basketball ----------  265_Varsity_Basketball.pdf
266 Varsity Basketball ----------  266_Varsity_Basketball.pdf
267 Varsity Basketball Pictures ----------  267_Varsity_Basketball_Pictures.pdf
268 Junior Varsity Basketball ----------  268_JV_Basketball.pdf
269 B Basketball ----------  269_B_Basketball.pdf
270 Varsity Swimming ----------  270_Varsity_Swimming.pdf
271 B Swimming ----------  271_B_Swimming.pdf
272 Girls Swimming ----------  272_Girls_Swimming.pdf
273 Sports Montage ----------  273_Sports_Montage.pdf
274 A Track ----------  274_A_Track.pdf
275 A Track ----------  275_A_Track.pdf
276 B Track ----------  276_B_Track.pdf
277 C Track ----------  277_C_Track.pdf
278 Varsity Baseball ----------  278_Varsity_Baseball.pdf
279 Varsity Baseball ----------  279_Varsity_Baseball.pdf
280 Junior Varsity Baseball ----------  280_JV_Baseball.pdf
281 Sports Montage ----------  281_Sports_Montage.pdf
282 Golf ----------  282_Golf.pdf
283 Tennis ----------  283_Tennis.pdf
284 Patrons ----------  284_Patrons.pdf
285 Patrons ----------  285_Patrons.pdf
286 Patrons ----------  286_Patrons.pdf
287 Patrons ----------  287_Patrons.pdf
288 Patrons ----------  288_Patrons.pdf
289 Patrons ----------  289_Patrons.pdf
290 Patrons ----------  290_Patrons.pdf
291 Patrons ----------  291_Patrons.pdf
292 Patrons (Last Page) ----------  292_Patrons.pdf